Poached Salmon and Caper Salad
By Marcus Coates, @homeinriyadh, 11th February 2021
Who’s in the mood for something quick, easy, tasty, healthy, and requires hardly any washing up?
If that’s you, then check out this salmon meal that will have you in and out the kitchen in under 15 minutes!
But before we get down to the recipe, let’s talk salmon.
Salmon are amazing. After being born in freshwater, they travel for miles downstream and live for most of their life out at sea in salty water, and then some travel distances of around a 1,000 miles back upstream to return to the same freshwater river they were born (so no complaining next time you have to walk to the local store to get the groceries!).
Salmon are an anadromous species – which means they can survive in saltwater or freshwater environments (I've included this random fact, as it will feature in a joke at the end of the recipe).
What else?
They are:
Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids
A great source of protein
High in vitamin B
A good source of potassium
Loaded with selenium
They contain the antioxidant astaxanthin
They may reduce the risk of heart disease
They may benefit weight control
They can help fight inflammation
And they may protect brain health
For lots of healthy salmon facts, check out this link: (healthline.com)
And if their unique backstory and health properties weren’t enough, they also taste pretty good!
Okay. Time to check out the recipe. But one last thing, I got a knock on my door from a policeman who accused me of stealing the salmon I used in this recipe, but he didn’t arrest me, as he couldn’t find any fishsical evidence!
Ingredients (serves 2)
1 x salmon fillet with skin removed
1 x tablespoon of capers
1 x romaine lettuce
1 x packet of rocket (arugula)
1 x big tomato
1 x bunch of parsley
1 x hefty sprinkle of grated parmesan cheese
1 x lemon
Place the salmon fillet in a pot of hot water and poach until no longer pink in the middle. Poaching should take about five minutes. Then drain with a colander and put to one side to cool. That’s the tricky bit done!
Next, wash, dry and coarsely chop the romaine lettuce, parsley and tomato (minus the tomato’s eye) and put in a salad bowl. Add the washed arugula, capers, and parmesan to the bowl.
Lastly, flake the salmon into the bowl and store in the fridge until needed. The mix is ready to go!
Take two plates and heap the salad onto them. Drizzle over olive oil and balsamic vinegar. And for garnish and extra zing, serve with some wedges of lemon. Squeeze lemon over as required.
This salmon salad is a super easy dish to make, serve, and to explain - hence the unnecessary exposition and salmon-based joke at the beginning of the recipe.
Talking fishy jokes, what about this one:
Q: “What do you call an argument between two linguists discussing whether salmon are anadromous or androgynous?”
A: “Salm-antics!”
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